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Friday, July 08, 2011

Trying Again....

Ok, so quite a few of my friends have great blogs!!! (That's you Mo and Holly!) I find them so entertaining that I am going to try once again to start mine up. I am worried that my life isn't interesting enough....but then I think to my 12 hour days as a pediatric nurse in a large metropolitan city, my crazy yet funny family that includes a 6 and a half foot tall Dutchman as an opinionated (but wonderful) step-father, a nearly 21 year old brother trying to figure out life, and two more little brothers aged 2 years and 7 months respectively (yes, BROTHERS, and yes, I am going on do the math!)
In addition to my family (who I though was as crazy as they come), enter my future in-laws.......they bring crazy to a WHOLE new level!
Now, add to a mix my wonderful fiance, 2 wacky terriers, and wedding planning.....ok...maybe life isn't so boring after all! ;-)

                                                **Camden and Quincy**

                                                    **Lola and Finley**

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